Is the T-Shirt Blog the best t-shirt blog on the internet?
It just can't be the best.
This blog's title sounds way too arrogant to even meet the criteria of an average t-shirt blog.
However this blog happens to be in the first page of Google for the search term blog t-shirts. So we had to take a look into it and comment.
Overall blog design: Modern.
Pics of tees: Ok, that's a good selection of funky and stylee tees.
What else will you find on this blog: A good list of links that will take you hours of wasted time to check.
Description provided by most search engines:
The creator of this blog enjoys looking around the net for new interesting t-shirts, and documenting his findings in this blog.
Wow!!! Really exciting, no?
NO. There's not much information on this blog, but hell, who wants to learn anything anyway.
Tags: Never call yourself the best. Which is REALLY the best t-shirt blog on the net?